Getting out of the car every now and again to stretch our legs and take in the scenery is so very nice.

Although it was foggy, gray, and drizzly the landscapes were still breathtaking.

Ruby Falls is an underground waterfall, which you get to by going down an elevator into a cave. It felt pretty touristy, 'cause you have a guide the whole way and you go in groups - oh, not to mention you even get your picture taken, like they do in theme parks! But regardless, it was worth it. As one of the seven natural wonders of the U.S. it's pretty amazing.

And here is the main event! Oooooooo! Ahhhhhhhh!

(Don't you just love that neon colored lighting!)
Clearly we are in awe of it's majestic beauty.

And here is my photographic proof of life in the caverns, which the tour guide so falsely claimed to the group did not exist. LIES!!
